While helium leak testing is the most common leak detection method in the industry, it has many disadvantages, such as having operator-dependent results and the frequent need to calibrate equipment. CTRL Systems is heavily involved with the implementation of acoustic ultrasound technology for leak detection and condition-based monitoring in the power generation and transmission industry. Acoustic ultrasound detection has become a strong alternative approach for vacuum leak detection. As tested and used by NASA on the International SpaceStation2, acoustic ultrasound leak detection technology is now capable of detecting all turbulent flow gas and vacuum leaks and is used by many power plants for condenser leak detection.
Substation Equipment
Lightning Arresters and Bushings
Insulators and Transformers
Improper Electrical Installation
Gas-filled Equipment (SF6 Leaks)
Underground Substations
Power Generation Plant
Re-heater Tube Leak Detection
Condenser Leak Detection
Cooling Towers and Heaters
Bearings in Pumps, Turbines, Coal Conveyors and Feeders
Steam Valves
Distribution and Transmission Lines
Arcing and Corona Discharge
Insulator Damages
Voltage Leakage in Towers
Contamination on Conductors
Broken Cable Strands
Power Loss Due to Corona