See CTRL in action across several leading industries
Industry Solutions

CTRL Systems is heavily involved with the implementation of acoustic ultrasound technology for leak detection and condition-based monitoring in the power generation and transmission industry.
Our acoustic ultrasound has improved plant efficiency in more than 200 power generation plants in China, which has led to lower emissions and fuel waste. We helped China’s power transmission reduce expenses by 75% by eliminating catastrophic failure.

The UL101 product line has been used by our manufacturing customers for both maintenance checks and quality control.
Our clients have been able to save valuable uptime, as the UL101 acoustic ultrasound listening devices can be used during production to find any air, electrical, and hydraulic leaks in the facility, and can even be used to locate and diagnose bearing and vibration problems.

CTRL Systems has worked with several partners, including Schlumberger, Lukoil, Shell, ExxonMobil and others around the world for implementation of acoustic ultrasound to refineries, pipelines, drilling, and services.
Our UL101 Leak Detector is able to detect leaks, regardless of the source of the leak or the type of machinery. Our customers use the UL101 Leak Detector to monitor all facets of machinery, from detachable joints like flange couplings and threads, to permanent welded seams.

Several petrochemical companies utilize the CTRL UL101 and InCTRL for leak detection and condition-based monitoring systems to keep production running smoothly. Daily leak detection monitoring and routine condition-based monitoring of critical equipment are the primary concerns for process control.
Implementation of our ultrasound listening technology minimizes the time spent to find leaks and decreases process downtime to achieve efficient and increased production output.

CTRL works closely with several organizations in the paper/pulp industry to identify cost saving opportunities.
We helped one corrugated plant reduce catastrophic failure to 0% using UL101 products and InCTRL, turning it into a top 5 producer within its industry. Our solutions can help you to quickly detect air leaks while the plant is in operation, implement proper lubrication, and monitor for early signs of gearbox and bearing failures.

CTRL Systems has worked closely with railroad service organizations, operators, and manufacturers to identify more than 20 areas of application to use the UL101 and InCTRL for inbound/outbound inspection stations.
The UL101 Leak Detector can inspect an entire cars’ seals, hatches, and discharge gates in approximately 15 minutes.We have helped manufacturers use the UL101 for quality control to reduce their inspection time by 50% or more.

CTRL Systems offers acoustic ultrasound solutions for performing quality control and maintenance on non-pressurized cabins in industries such as the heavy equipment and container industries.
Our ultrasonic testing of non-pressurized cabins has proven to be a better alternative to watershed testing by maximizing the results of your cabin testing while minimizing cost and physical risk.